Author Topic: Design goals of the library  (Read 5251 times)


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Design goals of the library
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:29:13 PM »
The RRPGE Minimal library aims to meet the following goals:

  • Minimal in the term that it aims for emulating the slowest RRPGE system allowed by the specification. This means that an application working all right on this emulator will likely work right on other implementations, too.
  • Minimal in the term that it takes the least amount of resources as reasonably possible meeting the library's other goals.
  • Freestanding. It does not even rely on the standard C library. This way the library may be used anywhere where a C compiler is available.

These goals ensure the greatest utility of this library: It is good for application developers since it reproduces the specification reasonably well. It is good for users since it will likely work even on their old junk, provided that the host is also reasonably well written. It is good for host developer, that is people who want to port RRPGE to some device: it only needs a minimal environment to start working.

The latter may even be interesting for embedded targets or authors of hobbyist operating systems: the RRPGE system's basic features may be brought up with relatively little effort, so things may start to get interesting very soon.