Author Topic: The Cheetaan Legacy project  (Read 5483 times)


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The Cheetaan Legacy project
« on: May 04, 2014, 02:05:00 PM »
The Cheetaan, and as game idea the Cheetaan Legacy is what primarily resulted in the birth of RRPGE. This is a rather huge idea which I plan to accomplish, probably with several years of work (I mean the coding and art-crafting, a lot of story and other material born already in the past decade).

You wake up on a wreck of bed thrown on some rusted ship, navigated by a woman in a tattered uniform. The brain is dim, the world is dim, you remember, and not, all like some dream, a not so good dream. How on the Earth you got to get there where some water pump is continuously humming, struggling with the sludge entering everywhere in that jig of hull? And... What? You fall down from the bed, to realize you see fur, and no hands. A feral, a four legged beast, you are. Why? You are sure you were supposed to be... Just what? Definitely not this. The woman. That. A human, not some animal. But how? The body feels like yours, the mind defies it. Visions go and pass, just as the wreck chugs itself nearer and nearer... To some hell of place. Skeletons, steel golems of rusted buildings scrape the skies, skies of smoke and dust of no hopes. Here, the captain yells, on to the boat, and in moments you find yourselves, or at least your supposed nurse rowing towards in the canopy of smog arching between those unwelcoming giants. Minutes later you barely see the old vessel turning to point upwards by the bow, a last reach towards the sky before she goes down to rest for an eternity. There is no turning back wherever you came from. The horizon? People by the shore, sludge and dirt, the vision of a market opens up, the square of trade where poverty exchanges from all the region. Welcome to the world of adventures!

So that's how it may start up: a computer roleplaying game in a strange futuristic world. Of course there is a lot more on it, I even posted it on places around, but the game would be the most interesting if it was truly explored.

(By the way this bright theme sure has to die a horrible death. Even more encouraging me to stand up and get a proper theme done)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 02:13:05 PM by Jubatian »